Our Golden Rules at Blessed Patrick O'Loughran Primary School 
We are gentle - We are kind & helpful - We listen - We are honest - We work hard - We look after property 

Daily Routines 

8.45am-9am Playground supervision 
9am Class starts 
10.30-11am Breaktime 
12.25-1.25pm Lunchtime 
2pm P1 & 2 Hometime 
3pm P3-7 Hometime 
P1/2 After school activities 2pm-3pm 
P3-7 After school activities 3pm-4pm 

Our Core Values 

In order to get the most benefit from school it is important that all children attend on a daily basis. In the event of an absence the school should be informed as soon as possible and an Absence Notification Form should becompleted on return to school. 
To minimise disruption to teaching time parents are requested to arrange a suitable meeting time with their class teacher. Access to school is through the main entrance. 
Parents should collect children from the back door at home time.  
As a consequence of supervisory demands all children must go outside at break and lunch times (except on wet days) 
Parents must inform the school if they wish to delegate someone else to collect their child. 
Parents are asked to keep the school updated on changes of address or telephone numbers. 
Parents are asked to assist their children and co-operate with the school’s homework policy. 
Homework should be signed. 
School dinners cost £2.60 per day. A menu for each month is distributed each month. Pupils should pay weekly. Money is collected on Mondays & Fridays. 
Those pupils bringing a packed lunch are encouraged to bring a healthy lunch with only one treat item. 
As a Health Promoting School the children are permitted to drink only milk or water
Children are permitted to fill a lidded cup or bottle from the filtered water tap in the central resource area. Sustainable, crested, water bottles are available from the school office at a cost of £2 each. 
Children are encouraged to wear the school uniform and are expected to come to school neatly and cleanly dressed each day. 
Parents are encouraged to have children’s names on all items of clothing. 
Our PE uniform can be ordered online during the summer term. 
Health and Safety regulations require us to ensure that; 
*Items of jewellery eg. bracelets, rings and chains should not be worn. 
*Children with pierced ears may wear small stud earrings.  
*Long hair should be tied back. 
Useful Websites for Parents 
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