OUR VISION: A safe & secure environment where skills for life-long learning are developed & kindness, faith & success are nurtured & celebrated. 
Mission Statement 
At Blessed Patrick O’Loughran Primary School we aim to provide a working, caring and happy environment in which the potential of every child can be realised. 
As a Catholic school we wish to promote in all our pupils such values as will make them caring and respectful citizens. We believe in the dignity and worth of each individual and in the development of the whole person. 
All members of staff share these values and work to ensure a pupil centred approach in which caring is a shared responsibility of all our staff. These values underpin and shape our school policies. 
Blessed Patrick O'Loughran PS is a Catholic coeducational school with a Catholic ethos under the Trusteeship of St. Patrick's Educational Trust, Archdiocese of Armagh. The school provides a faith-based education centred on gospel values of love, respect, justice, compassion and hope. We warmly welcome learners from the Catholic tradition, other traditions and non-Christian traditions as awell as those who do not identify as having any religious faith. 
Important Dates for 2024-25 School Year 
Pupils attend school for 185 days in a school year with staff attending an additional 10 days for school development and preparation. Whilst certain absences due to sickness are inevitable parents are reminded that we discourage children from being withdrawn from school due to holidays during term time.  
Below is a list of school closures during 2024/2025 school year. I am sure parents will plan any holidays within these dates. 
Monday 2nd September – Term 1 starts 
Monday 28th & Tuesday 29th October Parent/Teacher meetings 
Monday 28th October- Friday 1st November- school closed to pupils 
Friday 20th December- school closes at 11am for Christmas break. 
Monday 6th January- Term 2 starts 
Monday 10th- Friday 14th February- school closed 
Monday 17th March-school closed 
Thursday 17th April- school closes at 11am for Easter break 
Monday 28th April- Term 3 starts 
Monday 5th May- school closed 
Thursday 22nd -Monday 26th May- school closed 
Friday 27th June school closes at 11am for summer break 

Updated October 2024 

This Week at  
Blessed Patrick O'Loughran Primary School..... 
Week Beginning 
Monday 17th February 2025 
After School Activities  
P1/2: 2pm-3pm Monday-Friday 
P3-7 3pm-4pm Tuesday-Thursday 
MONDAY~ P4-7 Hurling with Ruairi/P6 & 7 swimming in Dungannon Leisure Centre 
TUESDAY~ All classes PE with Active Kids/ After schools Active Kids 
WEDNESDAY~ P1-3 PE with Aidan/After school Drama with Tammy 
THURSDAY~ After school Dance with Tammy 
FRIDAY~ P3-7 Tin whistle with Ella/ P1 & 2 After school Play Club/ Preparations for painting of classrooms 
SATURDAY & SUNDAY:Volunteers painting classrooms 
School closed for Half Term Monday 10th- Friday 14th February 

Click link below to view our School Prospectus  

Child Protection Policy & Procedures 


The Transfer Process to Post-Primary School-Advice to Parents of Children in Primary 6 

Pupils of the Month - December 2024 Congratulations!!! 
Primary 1 
Primary 4 
Primary 2 
Primary 5 
Principal's Award 
Primary 6 
Pupil Voice Award 
Primary 3 
Primary 7 
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